
IPA: prʌpˈoʊz


  • (obsolete) An objective or aim.


  • (transitive) To suggest a plan, course of action, etc.
  • (intransitive, sometimes followed by to) To ask for a person's hand in marriage.
  • (transitive) To intend.
  • (obsolete) To talk; to converse.
  • (obsolete) To set forth.

Examples of "propose" in Sentences

  • How did Kevin propose to the former hairstylist, 22, whom he met upon the trip to The Bahamas in 2007?
  • An additional risk in doing what you propose is that you could run out of money to pay for her care home.
  • When my father had got to this point, my mother ventured to ask whether I had ever gone so far as to propose, actually to _propose_, for Miss
  • As and educator teaching reading and phonics to young children for ten years, I am not convinced that teaching the way you propose is the best way to teach phonics.
  • The alternative they propose is living in "right relationship," which means radically changing both our individual behavior and social structures so that our way of life honors all of God's creation.
  • Like it or not Republicans ruled the country during 8 years and they left disastrous consequences, President Obama has 1 1/2 years in office and every legislation He propose is gonna be block by Republicans.
  • If you have a business proposal to make to a Japanese woman, there's a slight chance she'll start blushing on you, since the English word "propose" is only used for marriage proposals in Japan, not for other kinds of formal business suggestions.

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