
IPA: kwɑdraɪpˈɑrtaɪt


  • A treatise divided into four parts.


  • Divided into four parts.
  • Involving four parties or participants; four-party.

Examples of "quadripartite" in Sentences

  • In the city, negotiations continued with the Soviets on establishing a new currency under quadripartite control.
  • \ "\" The normal structure of a party is quadripartite, that is, based on the number four, since the Rule has a pyramid form.
  • Certain multinational groupings, such as the "quadripartite" of Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, have a very high level of trust.
  • Along with Israel, Turkey and Iran, it is the fourth party in the quadripartite security architecture of the Middle East, and the most aggressive one in many respects.
  • However, despite these minor details, a quadripartite scheme with the above characteristic endings as above seems to hold true in general and may help to understand how things evolved later on.
  • The bays of vaulting were generally either squares or parallelograms, though sometimes not rectangular in shape, and each was divided into four concave vaulting cells by diagonal and intersecting groins, thus forming what is called a quadripartite vault.
  • In a nutshell, if my quadripartite system distinguishes four sets of endings exemplified in the 1ps with *-mi (objective progressive), *-m (objective non-progressive), *-h₂ór (subjective progressive) and *-h₂e (subjective non-progressive), then it stands to follow that there may likewise be four non-finite forms, participles, corresponding to each of the four categories I describe.

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