IPA: kwɑdrʌpɫˈidʒiʌ
- Paralysis from the neck down.
- Paralysis of all four limbs.
Examples of "quadriplegia" in Sentences
- Candidate with quadriplegia set for place in Massachusetts state Senate
- Despite his quadriplegia, Roman lives his life to the full and does not complain.
- The causes of his death were complications from his quadriplegia and respiratory problems.
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- To those who are genuinely concerned, I push a button to say, I have spastic bilateral quadriplegia, also known as cerebral palsy.
- See any number of "heroic" documentaries about young women with medical conditions (cancer, quadriplegia, achondoplasia, brittle bones ...) who "struggle" to "make a family".
- The Virginia-based company has about 60 full-time and contracted employees, most of whom have developmental or physical disabilities ranging from bipolar disorder, blindness, brain injury or cerebral palsy to quadriplegia.
- The counselors were driving on the Meadowbrook Parkway en route to Camp Anchor, a town-run seaside camp for about 600 adults and children with disabilities ranging from quadriplegia to autism to Down syndrome, said Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murray.
- An alien reading Our Bodies would conclude that exclusion from a restroom because of one's "trans-gender" identity is a far greater tragedy than, say, dying because America is the only industrialized country without universal health care — or than suffering from an affliction such as quadriplegia or bladder cancer.