
IPA: kˈɛstɝ


  • (historical) An Ancient Roman official responsible for public revenue and other financial affairs.
  • (historical) The Quaestor sacri palatii of the late Roman Empire and Byzantium; first generally a legislator, then judicial official, and eventually an honorary title by the 14th century.
  • (historical) In the Middle Ages, an officer who announced indulgences.

Examples of "quaestor" in Sentences

  • Scrofa served as quaestor, and Quinctius was the cavalry commander who had tricked Spartacus at Cantenna.
  • Toranius served as Variniuss quaestor, a financial official with various civil and military responsibilities.
  • He had only been back in Rome for a few days, following his term as quaestor in Umbria, and was avid for the latest news.
  • Cicero was brilliant and a former quaestor but he was young; Verres was defended by the greatest advocate of the day, Hortensius.
  • Atalaric (such an official is called "quaestor" [65] by the Romans), and invited Belisarius to come to Rome, promising to put the city into his hands without a battle.
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist

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