IPA: kwˈæg
- (obsolete) quagmire; marsh; bog.
Examples of "quag" in Sentences
- They belonged to what seemed a giant body, sunk up to the shoulders in a quag.
- By midnight we had crossed the Ghadaf and the quag felt too awful for further progress.
- Whether he was choked with gases, or perished in a quag, or was removed bodily by the Evil
- Then I flung my body suddenly backward against the squelching quag, and, grabbing wildly behind my head, laid hold of her fetlock.
- Awesome and all of you nay sayers can just go and re-watch the Christmas special if you need a reminder as to how bad it could have been … R2 says: Whreooouuuv! quag
- It's time for true Conservatives to admit that the Battle in Iraq has ground to a halt and recognize that we should support pulling back militarily from the quag in which it has become mired.
- Its time for true Conservatives to admit that the Battle in Iraq has ground to a halt and recognize that we should support pulling back militarily from the quag in which it has become mired.
- Rushing wind and lashing rain; pale gleams of a fitful moon to show swaying trees that tossed wild arms to heaven, and a splashing quag below, mud and wind-swept pools, all lost again in the swirling dark.
- When once I had seen from the leads of our house the quag of reeking life around, the stubs and snags of chimney-pots, the gashes among them entitled streets, and the broken blains called houses, I was quite ashamed of paying any thing to become a Christian.
- Even under these circumstances imagination, as though rebelling against the conditions of sunshine and summer then maintaining, leaped to picture Mên Scryfa under the black screaming of winter storm or rising darkly upon deep snows; casting a transitory shadow over a waste ghastly blue under flashes of lightning, or throbbing to its deep roots when thunder roared over the moor and the levin brand hissed unseen into quag and fen.