
IPA: kwˈeɪntnʌs


  • (obsolete) Cunning; craftiness.
  • (obsolete) Skill, artfulness.
  • (obsolete) Primness, fastidiousness, preciousness.
  • The state or fact of being quaint; having old-fashioned charm.

Examples of "quaintness" in Sentences

  • There's a certain quaintness to the whole thing, like owning a rotary telephone.
  • Some might laugh at the "quaintness" of planting the Russian flag on the ocean floor.
  • I think that their quaintness is a sufficient apology for the following little children's stories.
  • But compared to this, does Alberto Gonzales 'stated "quaintness" of the Geneva Conventions seem more compassionate?
  • I believe if something is well-written that it rises above any 'quaintness' of dialogue that may seem very dated today.
  • It is a sort of condensation of quaintness, that is quite without a rival even in this land of laboured and curious architecture.
  • I have a great love for this plain quaintness of speech — it is often ludicrous, but it as often beautiful — & one who wishes to write good poetry now should read old prose.
  • Indeed, there is a certain quaintness and pre-modern naivite in the court’s tendency to look at the role it would prefer things play in our society as being inherent in the nature of the thing itself rather than as being a social construct reflecting a social role that could be otherwise.
  • It was bare to the point of discomfort, and had it not been for a certain quaintness in the shape of the few articles to be seen there, I should have experienced a decided feeling of repulsion, so pronounced was the contrast between this poverty-stricken interior and the polished bearing of its owner.
  • My paternal grandfather and his family were native Gaelic speakers (from the west coast mainland north of Skye) and his parents spoke only very little English; my grandfather and a number of his siblingsmade it their business to become fluent in English - cultural quaintness is all very well, but they had a living to make.

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