IPA: kwˈɑɫʌteɪtɪv
- Something qualitative.
- Of descriptions or distinctions based on some quality rather than on some quantity.
- (chemistry) Of a form of analysis that yields the identity of a compound.
Examples of "qualitative" in Sentences
- How will you measure long-term qualitative social outcomes?
- Face-to-face in qualitative settings, participatory focus groups and ethnographic studies, another picture emerges.
- Moody's makes five-year medium-term qualitative assessments for each country, but does not appear to do any long-term quantitative or critical work.
- A painstaking course in qualitative and quantitative analysis by John Wing gave me an appreciation of the need for, and beauty of, accurate measurement.
- Forecasting can be successful, particularly over the short term and, over the longer term, by understanding what they call "qualitative and contingent" regulatories or trends "in driving price swings."
- The vintage approach assumes that new investments are characterized by the most modern technology and that the capital that is formed as a result does not change in qualitative terms over its remaining life.
- Bernanke's "quantitative easing" was never accompanied by what might be called "qualitative easing" - targeted policies designed to ensure that some of the financial advantages given to banks by the Fed were used to help the overall economy.
- Slide 4: Identify the key difference between positivist and interpretivist research methods (make certain you use the terms qualitative and I nfl uences on the choi ce of quantitative in your answer) r esear ch method used by soci ol ogi sts