IPA: kwˈɑndoʊŋ
- Any of several species of Santalum:
- A small southern Australian shrub (Santalum acuminatum) or its edible red fruit.
- The bitter quandong (Santalum murrayanum) or its fruit.
- The desert quandong (Santalum lanceolatum) or its fruit.
- Any of many species of Elaeocarpus:
- blue quandong (Elaeocarpus angustifolius) or its fruit.
- Arnhem Land quandong, bony quandong (Elaeocarpus arnhemicus)
- Kuranda quandong (Elaeocarpus bancroftii)
- brown quandong (Elaeocarpus coorangooloo)
- smooth-leaved quandong, eumundi (Elaeocarpus eumundi)
- quandong (Elaeocarpus ferruginiflorus)
- white quandong, Northern quandong (Elaeocarpus foveolatus)
- brush quandong, blue quandong, white quandong, quandong (Elaeocarpus grandis)
- mountain quandong (Elaeocarpus holopetalus )
- Kuranda quandong (Elaeocarpus johnsonii)
- brown-hearted quandong (Elaeocarpus kirtonii)
- white quandong (Elaeocarpus kirtonii)
- tropical quandong (Elaeocarpus largiflorens)
- hard quandong (Elaeocarpus obovatus)
- Ash quandong (Elaeocarpus reticulatus)
- brown quandong, grey quandong (Elaeocarpus ruminatus)
- Northern quandong, hard quandong, Northern hard quandong (Elaeocarpus sericopetalus)
- hairy quandong (Elaeocarpus williamsianus)
- highroot quandong (Aceratium concinnum)
- buff guandong, grey quandong (Peripentadenia mearsii)
- (Australia slang, now rare) A confidence trickster.
Examples of "quandong" in Sentences
- Preliminary assessment of an orchard of quandong seedling trees.
- The nutritional potential of the quandong (Santalum acuminatum) kernel.
- The quandong (Santalum acuminatum) is widely distributed across Australia's arid inland.
- The quandong is reported to be highly resistant to drought, high temperatures, and salinity.
- The regent bowerbird is enjoying his morning shower 50 metres up in the top of the quandong, meticulously grooming each gleaming feather.
- We passed several quandong trees in full fruit, of which we ate a great quantity; they were the most palatable, and sweetest I have ever eaten.
- “Bedyewrie” (XIMENIA AMERICANA) has a sweetish flavour, with a speedy after-taste of bitter almonds, and generally refreshing and thirst-allaying qualities; the shiny blue quandong
- Struck with bewilderment, the honey-eaters became dumb, the dismayed doves forgot to coo, the scrub-fowl ceased their chuckling, and three cockatoos flew from the blue-fruited quandong-tree shrieking abominable sarcasms.
- Enough to accept that I might never make it to Australia’s outback to sample bush fruits like the red quandong, which is considered a gourmet treat, or the blue quandong, which looks like an ostrich egg painted metallic blue with a glitter gun, or even the silver quandong, which is so far ahead of its time that fruities will only be eating them in the distant future.