IPA: kwˈɑŋgoʊ
- (UK, Ireland, government) An organization that, although financed by a government, acts independently of it.
Examples of "quango" in Sentences
- When the old Blood Service "quango" in Stevenage was scrapped by the last bunch of Tories it introduced Aids to an unsuspecting haemophiliac population.
- In a letter to Cabinet ministers, Mrs Thatcher's then principal private secretary Kenneth Stowe acknowledged "the term quango has no generally accepted definition".
- The quango, which is responsible for more than 4,000 miles of motorway and trunk road, said the move will save money and carbon emissions and even stop light pollution.
- In a speech to Reform this afternoon, David Cameron argued that the growth of the so-called quango state represents “a serious accountability problem with our political system”.
- In Britain it is known as a "quango," or a quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization that receives funding and a mission from parliament but acts independently, with its own board.