
IPA: kwɑntɪfʌkˈeɪʃʌn


  • The act of quantifying.
  • (economics) The expression of an economic activity in monetary units.
  • (logic) A limitation that is imposed on the variables of a proposition.

Examples of "quantification" in Sentences

  • There are a substantial number of issues here namely quantification of types,and the measurement quality issues due to ambiguous signatures.
  • The definition illustrates how Leśniewski formulated the idea of quantification in his early semi-prose work: instead of “for some x” he says
  • Under the premise of a word quantification procedure, participants were asked to forward all instant message (IM) chats between themselves and their partners.
  • But the scientific quest for quantification is important to those funding it – those filthy rich AI-Guys who have so long dreamed of conscious machines and artificial immortality (uploaded minds).
  • In entertainment, across the board, the issue is the ultimate in quantification — what sort of movies, games, programs, and music will appeal to the most people and bring in the most dollars, regardless of how crude, rude, and culturally repugnant they may be to tens of millions of Americans.
  • If we were to mature enough as a species to embrace the scientific "quantification" of the power of the universe as at least one way to begin to approach the definition of "G_d" we would realize that no religion can, with any integrity, manipulate such a definition to its own dogma and practices.

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