
IPA: kwˈɔrʌɫ


  • (countable) A dispute or heated argument (especially one that is verbal).
  • (countable) Often preceded by a form of to have: a basis or ground of dispute or objection; a complaint; also, a feeling or situation of ill will and unhappiness caused by this.
  • (rare, uncountable) A propensity to quarrel; quarrelsomeness.
  • (countable, archery, historical) An arrow or bolt for a crossbow or an arbalest (“a late, large type of crossbow”), traditionally with the head square in its cross section.
  • (countable, architecture) A diamond- or square-shaped piece of glass forming part of a lattice window.
  • (countable, Northern England, architecture) A square tile; a quarry tile; (uncountable) such tiles collectively.
  • (countable, obsolete, rare) A cutting tool or chisel with a diamond- or square-shaped end.
  • (countable, architecture, obsolete) A small square-shaped opening in window tracery.


  • (intransitive, also figuratively) To argue fiercely; to contend; to squabble; to cease to be on friendly terms, to fall out.
  • (intransitive) To find fault; to cavil.
  • (intransitive, obsolete) Followed by at: to disagree with; to take offence.
  • (transitive, obsolete except Scotland) To argue or squabble with (someone).

Examples of "quarrel" in Sentences

  • It means the end of the quarrel.
  • The article is about quarrel and frustration.
  • The quarrel about the first altar and monument.
  • The term is used in the play to halt a quarrel.
  • The quarrel ended in Ashley's committal to prison.
  • I'm not quarrelling with the thrust of the comment.
  • She is a bit of a tomboy and is fearsome in a quarrel.
  • The quarrel ascended and the armies nearly came to blows.
  • This is the repeat of the James Irvin quarrel for Alexander.
  • The organizations which support the mode oppose in interminable quarrels.
  • In that year, there was a quarrel between the king and the Prince of Wales.
  • The majority of folks know bigotry when they see it, and this quarrel is pretty ludicrous from the get-go.
  • “So what I called our quarrel was our actual situation as it appeared after the satisfaction of sensual desire.
  • "So what I called our quarrel was our actual situation as it appeared after the satisfaction of sensual desire.
  • But the cause of our quarrel is somewhat unusual, and I can be neither so practical nor so vulgar as to set about making codicils.
  • Broadly, our quarrel is that of pessimism and optimism, only your pessimism is unconscious, which makes it the more dangerous to yourself.
  • My quarrel is with the implication in the how-to books market that one can merely read them to find the magic secret for writing well enough to publish.
  • Edgar risks his reason up in quarrel with Oswald, as he has risked it in assisting Gloucester after a duke's defamation by Cornwall, Goneril, Regan as good as Edmund.

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