IPA: kwˈɔtroʊsˈɛntoʊ
- The 1400s, the fifteenth-century Renaissance Italian period.
Examples of "quattrocento" in Sentences
- EC11: What do parrots and parakeets have to say about a quattrocento education?
- Innate talent was as mysterious to the quattrocento as it was for Vitruvius, who describes it as "hidden in the breast."
- For example, colored letter cards (the quattrocento equivalent of "flash cards") introduced the youngest to the alphabet and assisted in the instruction of grammar.
- Investigation of such allusions allows us to better appreciate the workings of a quattrocento mind and the complementary roles of architecture and memory in its formation.
- The Donatello bust is accompanied by early quattrocento paintings of male profiles by Masaccio, Paolo Uccello and probably Domenico Veneziano, all of them with red cappucci —long-tailed hoods—piled on their heads.
- It's a stunning show, with a checklist that reads like the iconic collection of an ideal museum of the quattrocento , plus compelling works by less familiar Italian artists and a few splendid Netherlandish portraits for comparison.
- Recalling that from early recorded history the sphere has represented an idealized form of the universe, it is understandable, particularly in light of the late quattrocento "rediscovery" of Plato and Plotinus, that the pearl embodied notions of perfection, unity, and purity in miniature.
- Note 305: Compare with Emanuel Winternitz: "Both art and science in the 'quattrocento' drew their inspiration from one strong impulse: the tendency toward rationalization, sweeping through all branches of natural science, aiming at calculation and control of nature by establishing its laws."
- Walter Ong notes that for cultures predominantly oral in their transmission of knowledge, such as quattrocento Italy, dialogue is essential to sustain the logical analysis of complex problems. 6 Moreover, since "Maestro" was a common salutation for a friar, Lazzaro could well have offered moral and spiritual counsel for Federico's assessments. 7
- Publicius bluntly states, "Resemblance among places should be avoided more than death," a comment that reveals a fundamental difference between contemporary and quattrocento perceptions of memory. 108 Whereas we now perceive errors of memory (including inaccuracy and "forgetting") to occur in the process of recollection, memory errors were traditionally considered to occur during the process of storage, owing to a failure to transform sense impressions into secure mental images.