IPA: kwˈeɪvɝɪŋɫi
- In a quavering manner; tremulously.
Examples of "quaveringly" in Sentences
- A thin, reedy voice came quaveringly over the wall.
- "I'm waiting here till Karen comes back," she said quaveringly.
- "What did thine eyes see, Big Brother?" the Pygmy said quaveringly.
- B.J. called quaveringly to an astounded lobby guard who started our way.
- The New York Herald Tribune reported Arnstein's testimony: 'I was desperate,' Arnstein said quaveringly.
- It was Margery who at last came down to enquire quaveringly through the closed door who was without, and what was the matter at this time of night.
- Well, her phrase--delivered after a quaveringly emotional goodbye speech -- was that she was leaving to "work on" the CBS newscast and 60 Minutes, but one presumes she won't be fetching coffee.
- I heard his discordant voice break quaveringly into sudden vehemence and volubility; now croaking — now shrieking as he oscillated between protests, threats, and impious appeals to the God who will
- Only Aelfric looked helplessly round at the debris of broken dishes and the littered table, and mindful of his usual menial role, perhaps, asked quaveringly: "Should I not clear this disorder away?"
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