IPA: kwˈɝn
- A mill for grinding corn, especially a handmill made of two circular stones.
- (transitive) To grind; to use a quern.
Examples of "quern" in Sentences
- Miryam sweeps the milled wheat out of her quern, pours in a new load of kernels.
- If we really get serious about all of the bio-fuels outside quern based ethanol.
- The feeding apparatus consists of a kind of quern for grinding corn, especially maize,
- "It's all one where I got it from; you see the quern is a good one, and the mill-stream never freezes, that's enough."
- 'It's all one where I got it from; you see the quern is a good one, and the mill-stream never freezes, that's enough.'
- She must make the butter and the cheese, grind the wheat in the quern, make and bake the bread, and in all ways earn her livelihood hard enough.
- We stopped at a little hut, where we saw an old woman grinding with the quern, the ancient Highland instrument, which it is said was used by the Romans, but which, being very slow in its operation, is almost entirely gone into disuse.
- Switch grass which is an energy topic I knew nothing about until about a year and a half ago when I started hearing speakers talk about diluted crispness of turning to quern based ethanol which is really energy intensity and ignoring things like switch grass.
- And Parkinson's account is to the same effect: "The seeds hereof, ground between two stones, fitted for the purpose, and called a quern, with some good vinegar added to it to make it liquid and running, is that kind of Mustard that is usually made of all sorts to serve as sauce both for fish and flesh."
- Coming up beside her, he looked with interest at her own small paper factory: a dozen big, fired-clay basins, each filled with scraps of used paper, worn-out scraps of silk and cotton, flax fibers, the soft pith of cattail reeds, and anything else she could get her hands on that might be useful, torn to shreds or ground small in a quern.