
IPA: kwˈɛrʌɫʌsnʌs


  • The quality of being querulous.
  • A querulous utterance.

Examples of "querulousness" in Sentences

  • But I will not trouble the workers with the querulousness of old age.
  • Lope's success, of petulance and querulousness, and so on; and it was in this that the sting lay.
  • The old man from being cold and high, suddenly fell, as it were, into the whimpering querulousness of extreme old age.
  • This flow of quotation and hospitality in Wegg indicated his observation of some little querulousness on the part of Venus.
  • Hence they are querulous, and not disposed to jesting or laughter-the love of laughter being the very opposite of querulousness.
  • I wanted to sound smart in the title of this post so I visited thesaurus. com synonyms for the word "jealousy" and "querulousness" caught my eye.
  • Lisbeth was going on, for she was not at all afraid of Seth, and usually poured into his ears all the querulousness which was repressed by her awe of Adam.
  • Princess Mary well knew this mood of quiet absorbed querulousness, which generally culminated in a burst of rage, and she went about all that morning as though facing a cocked and loaded gun and awaited the inevitable explosion.
  • •This postwar (or post-postwar) querulousness is just a blip for the president, and, as so often before, the Bush political and communications experts will make the necessary adjustments (or do the requisite bullying) and, with relative media quiescence, charge on.
  • Every kind of domestic suffering that is bred in poverty, illness, banishment, sorrow, and long travel in bad weather, was crammed into the little space; and yet was there infinitely less of complaint and querulousness, and infinitely more of mutual assistance and general kindness to be found in that unwholesome ark, than in many brilliant ballrooms.

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synonyms for querulousnessdescribing words for querulousness

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