question mark

IPA: kwˈɛstʃʌnmˈɑrk


  • (typography) The punctuation mark "?", used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question.
  • (figuratively, informal) A state of doubt or uncertainty.
  • (figuratively, informal) An enigmatic, inscrutable, or mysterious person or thing; an enigma, a riddle.
  • Polygonia interrogationis, a North American nymphalid butterfly with a silver mark on the underside of its hindwing resembling a question mark (sense 1).

Examples of "question-mark" in Sentences

  • Why do these "inquirers" even bother with the question-mark?
  • "Innit" fills the vacant role of a generic verbal question-mark inviting agreement.
  • Sherman ends with a question-mark kicker: "Can A-Rod's teammates help Rodriguez help himself?"
  • Ad buyers have said the fate of "Men" remains perhaps the biggest question-mark in CBS's lineup.
  • Now I know you think that I sound like the guy in the question-mark suit and that my plan seems like a scam.
  • When Press Secretary read their codes, impossible numbers such as 550 and 917, we turned to one another with question-mark faces.
  • The government says there's no question-mark over the level of funding of British films, but who will decide which films get the money?
  • Which independent money-person is going to risk putting cash into a film when there's a huge question-mark hanging over part of the contribution?
  • And so two nations -- oppressor and oppressed, perpetrator and victim - remain forever connected by a cosmic question-mark that hangs over their very existence.
  • The law-suit did not take place until 1863, when Cardigan sued Colonel Calthorpe for libel on the subject; it was established that he had been at the guns, and also that he had left his brigade during the action which, although it did not reflect on his personal courage, left a large question-mark over his fitness for command.

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