IPA: kwˈɪkɫaɪm
- Calcium oxide, which is produced by heating (calcining) limestone and gives slaked lime on treatment with water.
- (transitive) To treat with quicklime.
Examples of "quicklime" in Sentences
- Water flows into a sealed inner cone filled with quicklime, which is mostly calcium oxide.
- San Jose, California (PRWEB) February 15, 2010 -- Lime, usually referred to as quicklime, is a derivative of limestone.
- This leaves only calcium oxide CaO, known as quicklime, the proportion of which determines the quality of the final product.
- Water acts upon lime with the evolution of a great deal of heat, -- hence the name quicklime, or live lime, -- the process being called slaking.
- A proven and inexpensive dusting preparation for maize cobs stored in their husks is quicklime which is distributed evenly in a fine coat over the stored products.
- The material which comes from the kiln is called quicklime, and, on being dosed with water, it slakes, and crumbles to powder, and in the state of slaked lime is mixed up with mortar.
- Larger corpses have been mercifully lacking, with the exception of two sheep who made the shingle spit unvisitable for a couple of weeks before they were solemnly buried in quicklime by the local police.
- If at some later stage something drastic occurs -- like some bodies being found in quicklime during an election campaign -- and the government produces some legislation on the subject, are the proponents of the Brief consulted?
- The coffin was of lead, and in it was found a skeleton of an extraordinary size, imbedded in quicklime, which is another proof of the Greek origin of Palæologus, as it is the custom in Greece to surround the body with quicklime.
- The process of burning limestone at temperatures above 900° C to produce quicklime, which is subsequently slaked with water to produce hydrated lime, has since become traditional practice in most countries, as lime is one of the most versatile materials known, being used for numerous industrial and agricultural processes, environmental protection and building construction.