IPA: kwˈɪksɛt
- The cuttings used, or the hedge produced by this method
- (of a hedge etc) Grown from cuttings planted directly into the ground
Examples of "quickset" in Sentences
- There shall be, as it were, a quickset hedge of trees and bushes, close, close around your tomb.
- (You may note that Billy Russell himself had a beard like a quickset hedge, and I reckon he took Raglan's order as a personal insult.)
- Indeed, in the midst of the fields, even a hovel may have a certain grace derived from the pure air, the verdure, the open country — a hill, a serpentine road, vineyards, quickset hedges, moss-grown thatch and rural implements; but poverty in
- They were at some little distance from the big flower garden, and the path that led to them was heavily shaded by shrubbery on one side, and on the other by a hedge which, though "quickset" as a foundation, was now a mass of honeysuckle and everlasting peas.
- They were at some little distance from the big flower-garden, and the path that led to them was heavily shaded by shrubbery on one side, and on the other by a hedge which, though "quickset" as a foundation, was now a mass of honeysuckle and everlasting peas.
- For instance, in recommending a certain kind of quickset fence, he insists upon it, as one of its advantages, that it will not readily ignite under the torch of the mischievous wayfarer: "Naturale sepimentum," says he, "quod obseri solet virgultis aut spinis,
- For instance, in recommending a certain kind of quickset fence, he insists upon it as one of its advantages -- that it will not readily ignite under the torch of the mischievous wayfarer: "Naturale sepimentum," says he, "quod obseri solet virgultis aut spinis, _praetereuntis lascivi non metuet facem_."
- The first care of the two unspilt friends was to extricate their unfortunate companions from their bed of quickset — a process which gave them the unspeakable satisfaction of discovering that they had sustained no injury, beyond sundry rents in their garments, and various lacerations from the brambles.