IPA: kwˈɪdnˈʌŋk
- (archaic) A person eager to learn news and scandal.
Examples of "quidnunc" in Sentences
- Via MeFi, where the quidnunc kid gets the prize for best answer.
- Boy, what we are willing to subject ourselves to for our local raconteur (I almost said quidnunc).
- Isaac Asimov is the original quidnunc, your guide as you probe space against Reagan's Star Wars, though Isaac Asimov is not actually there.
- The rumour-monger and the quidnunc -- to whom only brief allusion has so far been made -- had come to be regarded as distinct public nuisances.
- The insignificancy of my manners to the rest of the world makes the laughers call me a _quidnunc_, a phrase I shall never inquire what they mean by it.
- I love the word quidnunc, which means one who gossips because it is a word I could use to describe a lot of people who fit the definition and they wouldn't know what I was saying.
- Here was that quintessence of Dublin, the epitome of the quidnunc, that quarter-moon, man-in-the-moon face, with the chin jutting to meet the nose and the mouth slanting some neat aperçu to its neighbor, cheekiest face in Europe, and the nosiest.
- Not long after those days, it so happening that some considerable amount of youthful energy and quidnunc ability were required to set litigation afloat at Hong Kong, Mr Romer was sent thither as the fittest man for such work, with rich assurance of future guerdon.
- Attar's work has been an inspiration for artists both classic and modern, not to mention a great jazz record by Dave Holland, and the simurgh inspired a great MonkeyFilter post by the quidnunc kid, which I urge you to visit for many more links, including some gorgeous illustrations and a long and involving Mandean tale about the bird's visit to the noble king Hirmiz Shah.