IPA: kwaɪˈɛs
- (intransitive) To become quiet or quieter.
- (transitive) To make temporarily inactive or disabled.
- (computing, transitive) To pause or reduce the activity of (a device or application), for example to prepare it for backups or other maintenance.
Examples of "quiesce" in Sentences
- CAQuietExec: Failed executing the command quiesce: Microsoft.
- Pipelines begins terminating the pipeline by instructing all active stages to quiesce.
- When a backup product requests a backup, it can tell VSS to "quiesce" these VSS-aware applications.
- A te principium, in te recredit crimen quod a te fuit; peccasti, quiesce, as Ambrose expostulates with Cain, lib.
- Another hymn of the same class is, "[10] Now hush your cries, and shed no tear," the "Jam moesta quiesce querela" of
- When all active stages in the pipeline chain have responded to the quiesce command and have terminated; Pipelines terminates.
- Because only at the source can you typically quiesce the application writing to the storage so that the snapshot will be a meaningful one.
- It's times like this that I feel hungry and nauseated at the same time. * sigh* I think I will attempt to quiesce my brain and get some sleep. before | | this
- The quiesce instance variable in the code above is a ReentrantReadWriteLock, so if anybody came in and called the quiesce method, they'd request the write lock and no further database commands could run until the lock was released.
- It also helped quiesce potential German opposition to Nazi policies; both by imposing state control on economic resources that any opposition movement would need to support itself, and by “buying off” potential opponents through welfare state handouts as Aly emphasizes.
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