
IPA: kwaɪˈɛsʌnt


  • Inactive, quiet, at rest.
  • (orthography) Not sounded; silent.
  • (cell biology) Non-proliferating.

Examples of "quiescent" in Sentences

  • So - how long will the people of Azerbaijan remain quiescent?
  • So – how long will the people of Azerbaijan remain quiescent?
  • She lay absolutely crushed, in a kind of quiescent hysterics, tortured.
  • It can be challenging for therapy to kill nondividing cells sometimes referred to as quiescent cells.
  • The unpointed consonant-text can be made essentially clearer by writing "plene", i.e., by using the so-called quiescent letters (matres lectionis).
  • In both sexes, organs up to this time quiescent, that is, as to any functional action, take on rapidly an independent life, assert their own character, and take up their peculiar work.
  • Twice she attempted to rise and interrupt him, but Sir Roger Kirkpatrick having fixed his eyes on her with a menacing determination to prevent her, she found herself obliged to remain quiescent.
  • In summary, our findings suggest that the Cdk4-p16Ink4a pathway regulates the long-term quiescent state of β-cells within islets and of potential progenitors within the pancreatic ductal epithelium (
  • No one was surprised to see the Mother Superior in the cloister so early, for she was often the first to rise and almost always the last to go to rest; the novices said that the little white volcano never slept at all, but was only 'quiescent' during a part of the night.

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