IPA: kwˈaɪʌtɪzʌm
- A form of mysticism involving quiet contemplation.
- A state of passive quietness.
- Alternative form of quietism (form of mysticism): [A form of mysticism involving quiet contemplation.]
Examples of "quietism" in Sentences
- There is something to be said for the ' quietism ' of the Buddhist approach to the question of the Divine .
- But progress, not quietism, is the principle which governs humanity and it is favoured by events of most different nature.
- Staying quiet in the face of political strife is the reigning philosophy in Najaf and is known as quietism, or taquia, in Arabic.
- Spencer produced the venerable Basil Pennington now deceased with the abbot, whose name I cannot recall, who invented "centering prayer" - a form of prayer that is pretty much associated with "quietism".
- The fundamental Quaker idea of "quietism," as it was called, or peaceful, silent contemplation as a spiritual form of worship and as a development of moral consciousness, was very widespread at the close of the
- Mr. Sistani, the true hero of Iraq's survival and incipient renaissance, is the standard-bearer of the traditional Shiite view of politics called "quietism," which rejects the clerical rule invented by the Ayatollah Khomenei in Iran.
- In all the dispute on what is called quietism, there has been nothing good but the old tale revived of the honest woman who brought a torch to burn paradise, and a cruse of water to extinguish the fire of hell, that God should no longer be served either through hope or fear.