
IPA: kwˈaɪʌtud


  • tranquility

Examples of "quietude" in Sentences

  • They both sat awhile in that kind of quietude which often falls between two who have stirred some deep fountain of emotion.
  • His manners possess all that unostentatious frankness, and self-possessed urbanity and quietude, that is indicative of refined feelings.
  • Terms such as quietude, emptiness, and simplicity favored by the Laozi describe a general ethical orientation rather than specific practices.
  • This street was not so crowded as K, and I walked along in quietude, catching my breath and congratulating myself upon my hat and my get-away.
  • There is one thing more which goes a long way towards the continued health of these English ladies, and therefore towards their beauty; and that is, the quietude and perpetuity of their domestic institutions.
  • The experience has made me crave silence rather than avoid it, because it’s only in quietude that you can think, really think, and whilst it wouldn’t suit everybody, profound contemplation has certainly given me the richest hours I’ve known.
  • You come from an island, Sir, which has endured more than its share of strife and suffering and whose history has witnessed the ebb and flow of your national fortunes in pursuit of that quietude which is characteristic of so many parts of your lovely country, and which must have inspired William Butler Yeats in his reverie on "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" to hope:
  • He could not account for it, but some of the Romanies, he remarks, “to whom I have stated this circumstance have accounted for it on the supposition that the soul which at present animates my body has at some former period tenanted that of one of their people, for many among them are believers in metempsychosis and, like the followers of Bouddha, imagine that their souls by passing through an infinite number of bodies, attain at length sufficient purity to be admitted to a state of perfect rest and quietude, which is the only idea of heaven they can form.”

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