IPA: kwinˈɑkrin
- A drug with various applications, including as an antimalarial, having the chemical formula C₂₃H₃₀ClN₃O
Examples of "quinacrine" in Sentences
- Metronidazole is often used, but quinacrine is cheaper.
- Chemical sterilization of women by "permanent scarring" with the quinacrine drug
- (Half an hour before giving quinacrine, give an antihistamine like promethazine to help prevent vomiting.)
- But population controllers have sterilized many Third-World women with quinacrine, which is controversial even among population controllers.
- Rowley relied instead on the unique quinacrine staining patterns that appeared on partly elongated chromosomes generated by brief treatment of patient cells with the microtubule polymerization inhibitor, vinblastine.
- A multi-center, Phase I single-dose ascending trial of CBLC102 the predecessor of these Curaxins, formerly known as anti-malaria drug quinacrine, is ongoing in patients with gastrointestinal and liver tumors in The Russian Federation.
- Rowley advanced this work by examining chromosomes microscopically using a combination of staining techniques (Giemsa and the fluorescent antimalarial drug, quinacrine) to discern that the missing portion of chromosome 22 had been added to the long arm of chromosome 9 in CLL patients.