IPA: kwˈɝk
- An idiosyncrasy; a slight glitch, mannerism; something unusual about the manner or style of something or someone.
- (architecture) An acute angle dividing a molding; a groove that runs lengthwise between the upper part of a moulding and a soffit.
- (archaic) A quibble, evasion, or subterfuge.
- A surname.
- (transitive, intransitive) To (cause to) move with a wry jerk.
- (transitive, architecture) To furnish with a quirk or channel.
- (intransitive, archaic) To use verbal tricks or quibbles.
- Alternative form of querk [(transitive) To throttle; choke; stifle; suffocate.]
Examples of "quirk" in Sentences
- Basically, I don't think that dewarping the quirk is the point so much as working through the narrative logic is.
- Maybe the whole point of the alethic quirk is to poke him hard, because his gasp of shock -- but! but! but! that could not happen!
- One final quirk is that in most jurisdictions of Mexico your Mexican spouse-to-be cannot marry anyone even a Mexican citizen without a Cartilla Militar (military service card).
- My local dry cleaner has acquiesced to what they call my quirk in using my own hangers for things that must be hung, and simply folding all the shirts which is a standard option.
- Numen/Monstrum – Facing an event that did happen (or the prefigura of an event that could happen); projecting ourselves into the characters or imagining such an event happening to ourselves, or coming about by our action, in so far as we desire/fear such an event, the strength or weakness of that quirk is the strength or weakness of our affect, positive or negative.