IPA: kwˈɝkinʌs
- (uncountable) The state of being quirky
- (countable) A specific quirky aspect of a person or thing
Examples of "quirkiness" in Sentences
- A perception of quirkiness is not what you want in a VP candidate - ask George McGovern.
- You could see without … NICKSON: That kind of quirkiness is quite typical of Finnish music.
- Sasha's 'quirkiness' is what makes her so interesting and different from most of the cookie-cutter accidental sleuths out there now.
- This wan, fey little Australian film stretches the notion of quirkiness far past the snapping point -- though the film itself has very little in the way of snap.
- Over and above the first-rate reporting that made the Murrow Boys (not one Murrow girl in the bunch) stand out was a kind of quirkiness that enhanced rather than detracted from their stories.
- There’s a certain quirkiness inherent in the call-and-response between pre-rap quasi-singer Fred Schneider and the harmonious pair of Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson that permeates the B-52s sound.
- While I get the desire to avoid the "quirkiness" of the carrot jockeys not my favorite anyway I think the book will get more spontaneous attention with a mis-spelled cake or something a little more obvious.
- The result of the superabundance of high achieving secondary school youngsters is that many of the top schools in the nation have taken the "quirkiness" out of the student body - and the rebelliousness of intellect, style, and thought, that is often ultimately critical to doing something of importance other than law or medicine.