IPA: kwˈoʊtʌbʌɫ
- Capable or worthy of being quoted
Examples of "quotable" in Sentences
- That's not what I call quotable, much less poetic.
- Only failure here is your understanding of the term 'quotable'.
- Your quotable was the most creative thing in the spit, and that's not a good thing.
- I’ll give you a few highlights that I found particularly worthy or fascinating or just plain quotable.
- There are a few passages that struck me as "quotable" (meaning, I would have underlined them if I was the type to underline in my books).
- The movie proved to be immensely quotable from the moment we first saw the trailer (embedded after the jump for your viewing pleasure and nostalgia).
- I found out which of my friends were "quotable", which events in my life were "blog-worthy", and which of my incendiary opinions garnered the most outraged comments.
- Most quotable from the NY Times editorial was this comment about Dr. Goddard's grasp of physics: "" does not know of the relation of action to reaction, and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react ".
- _ Quotations and other "quotable" matter, however, are ordinarily set off by quotation marks with no underscores in this edition, in accordance with common English usage, even where they were set in italics with no quotation marks in the Benziger Brothers edition.
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