
IPA: kwoʊtˈeɪʃʌn


  • A fragment of a human expression that is repeated by somebody else, for example from literature or a famous speech.
  • A price that has been quoted for buying or selling.
  • The act of setting a price.
  • (obsolete) A quota, a share.

Examples of "quotation" in Sentences

  • This post needed more words in "quotation". zinkywinks
  • For text, quotation is currently barely interesting in fair use law.
  • So now at least I am going into appeal with a quotation from the S.C. nomineeanon (Quote)
  • I think you should edit the text in quotation marks to read "absolute honesty" and not "absolutely honesty".
  • He recalled the quotation from the English essayist Walter Bagehot: “We must not let daylight in upon the magic.”
  • This quotation is a favorite of liberals, although it does not appear in the earliest and best manuscripts of the Gospel of Luke.
  • This quotation is attributed to Bill Gates, but Mr. Shapiro suspects that it is apocryphal, and is seeking the person who either said it or first attributed it to Mr. Gates.
  • What I find interesting about this quotation is not necessarily the thought behind it, but that something written for an academic journal in 1915 should read so easily in 2010.

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