IPA: rˈæbɪd
- A human or animal infected with rabies.
- Someone who is fanatical in opinion.
- Affected with rabies.
- Of or pertaining to rabies, or hydrophobia.
- Furious; raging; extremely violent.
- Very extreme, unreasonable, or fanatical in opinion; excessively zealous.
Examples of "rabid" in Sentences
- Ms. DICKINSON: Well, use of the word rabid and party in the same sentence, not so much.
- I responded supporting the author and used the term rabid, as she did, to side with her.
- BATF has a history in rabid enforcement of gun laws against people who have little or no means to fight back.
- Mugridge seemed to be in rabid fear of the water, and he exhibited a nimbleness and speed we did not dream he possessed.
- Some older voters recall the rabid anti-Semites once prominent in the American far-right as well as the more genteel exclusionism practiced by more refined upper-class Republicans.
- Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former Senator and presidential candidate John Edwards, says she's scared of what she calls the rabid Republican who lives across the street from her house.
- Teams that have a large amount of fans that have such an obsession with their team that their lives are practically based around the team are often called rabid fans (OhioFinFan4Life).
- And there is a fundamental problem with logic: why are those people that he identifies as rabid anti-Semites confiding in him of all people, and revealing their innermost thoughts to him?
- As to "rabid" - that may be a bit extreme almost said "bite" extreme but the fact that ms. closedmind resorts to Michelle Malkin as a proof-source should make everyone on the planet shutter.