IPA: rˈækɝ
- One who racks.
- A horse that has a racking gait.
Examples of "racker" in Sentences
- 673704: Racker - Westaff is seeking a second shift racker.
- The racker (keg-filling machine) fills a 13. 2-gallon keg every 60 seconds.
- At seven o'clock, when the night ball-racker came on, Shorty told me he had to hurry to his saxophone lesson.
- There are some very easy ones, a few that are moderately difficult, and one hard brain-racker, so all should be able to find something to their taste.
- Selyns, in a letter to Rev. Willem à Brakel, says that Sluyter gave himself out as a physician, but unsuccessful in practice, Danckaerts as a wine-racker, as here.
- He then inquired after our names, trade or profession, and place of residence in Fatherland, all of which we told him, namely, that my comrade was a theologian, and had studied at Leyden; [289] that I was a wine-racker, and that we both lived near Leeuwarden, in Friesland.
- Slide 4: B a s ic prob le m: de ploying Ha doop User Job Job Map Reduce Map Map / Job Tracker Task Task Task Reduce - scheduler Tracker Tracker Tracker Name Node Data Node Data Node Data Node HDFS - index Hardware + OS one namenode, 1+ J T ob racker, many data nodes and task trackers 4 1 2 J une 20 08
- Mr. Vanderveer glowed all over with delight when father condemned the automobile as a nerve racker, and suggested that a young man of the companionable tutor order, who could either play games, fish, and drive with the boy and his chums, or at times leave him wholly alone, according to need, would be a good substitute for a woman who viewed life as a school of don'ts, and had either wholly outlived her youth, or else had most unpleasant recollections of it.