
IPA: rækɑntˈur


  • A storyteller, especially a person noted for telling stories with skill and wit.


  • To make witty remarks or stories.

Examples of "raconteur" in Sentences

  • • Brian Simpson Obituary, 2 February was indeed a gifted raconteur.
  • He had a terrific sense of humor and was a great "raconteur"--look it up!
  • Describing her role as a "raconteur," she said, "Verlaine's poems are sheer romance.
  • Durrell, as well as loving animals to distraction, also had the light-hearted touch of the raconteur.
  • An admirable talker, 'raconteur', and mimic, with a wit's relish for wit, the charm of his good temper was irresistible.
  • York was known as a raconteur who loved telling jokes, including to the stone-faced negotiators for the Soviet Union during the long sessions in Geneva.
  • But my father was a great "raconteur" and he just loved to have somebody come in the house and, after we'd moved to the new house as we called it where the Junior League is now, he just loved to lay back in his chair.
  • But a purist who objects so forcibly to archaism and archaicism should avoid such terms as "whilom Persian Secretary" (p. 170); as anthophobia, which he is compelled to explain by "dread of selecting only what is best" (p. 175), as anthophobist (p. 176); as "fatuous ejaculations" (p. 183), as a "raconteur"
  • Utah Phillips, a former NPR host who was blacklisted in the state of Utah after an unsuccessful bid for U.S. Senate in 1968 on the Peace and Freedom party ticket can be described as a raconteur extraordinaire, a radical historian well-versed in the sorrowful details of the bloodiest social justice struggles of the last century, a hobo, and one hell of a musician whose songs can break your heart and bring your blood to a boil.

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