IPA: rˈeɪdiʌns
- The quality or state of being radiant; shining, bright or splendid.
- (physics) The flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source.
Examples of "radiance" in Sentences
- While heaven's own hues in radiance round thee glow,
- The correlation between major changes in the Earth’s temperature and changes in solar radiance is quite compelling.
- They can stand before God, but His white radiance is so brilliant that even they must fold their wings over their eyes.
- For a minute she was aloof in radiance, but as we linked arms and went out into the corridor she became more mortal, with a pout.
- The transfiguration of our Lord -- that is, the radiance in which he was bathed at the pinnacle of Mount Tabor -- did not manifest
- Under the radiance from the lighted lanai, ere entering the irritating movement of life again to which he belonged, he paused to stare, scarcely seeing, at a flaunt of display of scarlet double-hibiscus blooms.
- Half the charm of silver in nature is due to its remoteness; no ore of man's refining can attain the sparkle of a raindrop; we cannot distil the radiance from a white narcissus, nor rob the stars of their silver fleeces.