
IPA: rˈeɪdioʊgræf


  • An image, often a photographic negative, produced by radiation other than normal light; especially an X-ray photograph.
  • An instrument for measuring and recording solar radiation.


  • To produce a radiograph image.

Examples of "radiograph" in Sentences

  • The radiograph and the report become part of your medical record.
  • An x-ray or radiograph is similar to having a photograph taken in a portrait studio.
  • The researchers measured bone mineral content and density by dual-energy radiograph absorptiometry DXA.
  • If is important that the radiograph is free of artifacts (e.g. material from your clothing, snaps, buttons, clips, etc ...).
  • The BB patient typically had a radiograph with "dirty lungs", more sputum production and centrilobular emphysema and was more likely to be hypercapneic and develop right sided heart failure.
  • However, fetal lung lesions that seem to disappear on prenatal ultrasound and are not seen on neonatal chest radiograph still require evaluation by chest CT scan, which will frequently detect a lesion.
  • This difference in body tissue density is why bone (high body tissue density) appears white on a radiograph, as compared to fat (low body tissue density), which appears gray or air (no density), which appears black.
  • The radiologic technologist (RT) will escort you to a dressing room where you will be given an examination gown (if necessary) and instructed to remove specific articles of your clothing that may interfere with the radiograph.
  • Gastric emptying via emesis or lavage should be performed in patients who have ingested greater than 40-60 mg./kg. of elemental iron or an unknown amount. 1 Activated charcoal is not useful, unless there are co-ingestants, since it does not bind metals such as iron. 1 Iron tablets are radiopaque, therefore, an abdominal radiograph should be performed to determine if there is evidence of iron tablets in the stomach or small bowel.

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