IPA: rˈeɪdioʊɪmjunoʊæsˈeɪ
- A procedure that uses the binding of a radioactively labeled substance to an antibody in order to analyze minute amounts of biological compounds.
- To assay by this process.
Examples of "radioimmunoassay" in Sentences
- We used to send all our GC-MS and radioimmunoassay tests to BloodTek, in Portland.
- The hospital signed a new contract with them for our complex chem and radioimmunoassay work.
- Rosalyn Yalow (1921 -), "medical physicist" who "won a Nobel prize for her work developing the radioimmunoassay technique"
- These initial experiments led to the discovery of radioimmunoassay (RIA), an ingenious application of nuclear physics in clinical medicine.
- She and a younger colleague, Solomon Berson, developed methods for the radioimmunoassay -- an analytic tool that allows investigators to survey minute quantities of hormones, viruses, and chemicals in human beings.