IPA: rˈeɪdioʊˈaɪsʌtoʊp
- (physics) a radioactive isotope of an element
Examples of "radioisotope" in Sentences
- The radioisotope signatures are as unique as fingerprints.
- The NASA probes use so-called radioisotope thermoelectric generators
- “The radioisotope signature is identical to the fallout from the Iranian nuclear test.”
- Gary Bennett considers the more conventional power plants, such as radioisotope thermoelectric generators and fusion systems.
- The NASA probes use so-called radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) which transform heat emitted from naturally decaying plutonium into electricity.
- Resuming production saves these missions in the future, and allows us to consider use of radioisotope power on crewed missions (although we still won't have very much).
- If the radioisotope signatures from the Camp Cobra explosion are similar to those from the Iranian test in the Kavir Desert, we can conclude that the same nuclear fuel was used in both cases.
- While polonium-210 does have civilian applications (such as radioisotope batteries), it can theoretically be used for initiating the fission chain reactions that result in a nuclear explosion.
- Raw data (like tree-ring thickness, radioisotope of mud layers in a lake bottom, ice core analyses, etc.) are used as a proxy for reconstruction of the temperature record for 1000 AD to 1960 AD.