IPA: rˈeɪdioʊtˈɛɫʌfoʊni
- the transmission of sound (in both directions) using modulated radio waves rather than wires
Examples of "radiotelephony" in Sentences
- Sources said the aircraft was 10 miles from the airport when the alarm went off and the reason was a failure of the aircraft's radiotelephony system.
- • The early foundation of cellular communication lies in radiotelephony capabilities progressively advanced throughout the 20th century with support from the U.S. military.
- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auctioned off blocks of a spectrum previously reserved for analog radiotelephony so that it could be repurposed for digital air-to-ground bandwidth.
- However, if you believe that giving it to us in the radiotelephony alphabet would be useful, by all means say "Alfa, November, Alfa, Lima, Yankee, Sierra, Tango," but please excuse our expressions of incredulity.
- Blumenstein also said that Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean nations are likely to follow the U. S.'s lead on use of this spectrum as the countries previously did for the original organization of spectrum for radiotelephony in the early 1990s.
- Cargo ship safety equipment certificate • Cargo ship safety construction certificate • Cargo ship safety radio certificate • Cargo ship safety certificate • Cargo ship safety radiotelephony certificate • Fishing vessel safety certificate • Passenger ship safety certificate • International oil pollution prevention certificate (tanker & non-tanker) •
- Goeken and his colleagues more or less came up with the idea of commercial radiotelephony, made it work, obtained a coast-to-coast experimental license from the FCC, battled terrestrial phone companies, and eventually sold the whole thing to GTE -- which failed to implement his ahead-of-their-time ideas, like gaming and news coming through the phones.