IPA: rˈeɪdɑn
- The chemical element (symbol Rn, formerly Ro) with atomic number 86. It is an odorless, colorless, chemically inert but radioactive noble gas.
- Radon-222 (²²²₈₆Rn), the most stable isotope of this element, .
Examples of "radon" in Sentences
- The word radon will not appear in the Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act.
- Checking for radon is an inexpensive task using one of the short- or long-term radon test kits we reviewed.
- Checking for radon is an inexpensive task using one of the short - or long-term radon test kits we reviewed.
- The resulting microscopic particles were known as radon “daughters,” and the daughters were all radioactive, too.
- (Look for our report on short-term radon tests kits in the September 2008 issue of Consumer Reports, on sale and online this August.)
- Long-term radon testing revealed that the radon level near our countertops is very low but the level in the basement is 3.6 picocuries per liter.
- Consumer Reports is preparing a report on short-term radon tests kits for the September 2008 issue of Consumer Reports, on sale and online this August.
- Usually, radon is found in your basement (underground deposits of uranium decay and produce the gas) -- but when the radon specialist inspected Dr. Sugarman's house -- he found radon in her kitchen.
- TO find a certified technician to determine whether radiation or radon is emanating from a granite countertop, homeowners can contact the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (aarst. org).