IPA: rˈæfts
- a large number or amount
Examples of "rafts" in Sentences
- When I started camping as a kid those "rafts" WERE air matresses, and the only air matresses.
- This is done on what is called rafts, built upon a flat with dales, and the barrels depending from the sides.
- Moreover, monomeric α-syn can be found in lipid rafts, which is required for the synaptic localization of α-syn
- We had never made a raft, any of us, but the way to make rafts is better described in books, so we knew what to do.
- Addison drove them to the railway station, where the old Squire checked their empty image "rafts" in the baggage car.
- Our illustration (Fig. 1) represents the kind of rafts supplied to her Majesty's troop ships, while Figs. 2 and 3 show deck seats convertible into rafts, which are intended for ordinary passenger steamers.
- On one of the rafts was a shanty of newly sawed pine boards; it had no windows, but it was evidently a home, for a stove-pipe came through its roof, and there was a woman sitting in its little doorway, nursing her baby.
- At first I was minded to send a boat after them, but by this time the rafts were a good two miles beyond the harbour, and Mrs. Purchase said, 'No, they can do no good, poor dears; let them have their few hours' pleasure. '
- Upon one of the rafts was a short net, which, from the size of the meshes, was probably intended to catch turtle; upon another was a young shark; and these, with their paddles and spears, seemed to constitute the whole of their earthly riches.