IPA: rˈægwɝt
- Any of a number of wild flowering plants with yellow flowers in the family Asteraceae, mostly belonging to Senecio and related genera.
Examples of "ragwort" in Sentences
- The splash of yellow in the foreground is ragwort, I think.
- I thought that she might have had ingested ragwort, which is extremely poisonous, often fatal for horses.
- It is important to go in as soon as possible as you do not want poisonous plants, such as ragwort, present in cutting or grazing leys. "
- In these Lammas days, the flowers of the sun are bird's-foot trefoil, meliots, medicks, St John's wort, yellow-wort, ragwort and hawkbits.
- If the ragwort is a long way from grazing livestock (for example in the middle of woodland) then it does not need to be reported to the survey.
- While it may not win the fight against ragwort on its 'own, it still has a part to play when used with other ragwort control agents such as ragwort flea beetle and ragwort plume moth.
- A passing comma butterfly floated into view and settled on a yellow ragwort inflorescence, shuffled around until its outspread wings were angled perfectly to absorb the sun's rays and then uncoiled its tongue to feed.
- Some of these hybrids, such as ragwort (Jones 2000), blackberry, rhododendron, lantana, old man's beard and spartina, have become noxious weeds in many countries (although one of my friends says concrete is actually the worst noxious weed).
- These last few have been days to hold on to: bright sunshine through fat-bottomed clouds; ringlet butterflies flickering over flowering grasses; yellow-and-black-banded cinnabar moth caterpillars twitching as they spun threads to tie themselves to ragwort; bright pink lip-gloss heads of pyramidal orchids – these things once observed becoming dearly held.