
IPA: rˈeɪn


  • Condensed water falling from a cloud.
  • (figuratively) Any matter moving or falling, usually through air, and especially if liquid or otherwise figuratively identifiable with raindrops.
  • (figuratively) An instance of particles or larger pieces of matter moving or falling through air.
  • A female given name.


  • (impersonal) To have rain fall from the sky.
  • (intransitive) To fall as or like rain.
  • (transitive) To issue (something) in large quantities.
  • Obsolete form of reign. [(intransitive) To exercise sovereign power, to rule as a monarch.]

Examples of "rain" in Sentences

  • Plus the rain is a good excuse to stay in and relax.
  • Right now the rain is as heavy as I've ever seen it.
  • Rains of Fishes: Do fishes fall in rain from the sky?
  • And sometimes the fact that we can dance after the rain is the most remarkable part of all.
  • Inviting people in out of the rain is a totally different thing from people just trying to get out of the rain.
  • Rule 55 the umpire is prohibited from suspending play in a match game on account of rain, unless "_rain falls so heavily that the spectators are compelled by the severity of the storm_, to seek shelter."
  • The fact that we usually are talking about rain in a particular place has to do with the nature of rain and the way humans are concerned with it and conceptualize the phenomena, rather than the syntax of ˜rain.™
  • Their authority rests above all upon their supposed power of making rain, for “rain is the one thing which matters to the people in those districts, as if it does not come down at the right time it means untold hardships for the community.
  • I had to wait 5 months AND come north a thousand of miles or so to find out that there was a tropical depression and that was the reason for all of the rain in October. (there was so much rain that we were sort of stuck at home - I refused to drive down the mountain unless absolutely necessary because I got stuck once, and I was not about to get stuck in the mud again. * think dirt road/ruts + 30+ days of heavy rain*)

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synonyms for raindescribing words for rain

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