IPA: rˈeɪnkoʊt
- A waterproof coat to be worn in the rain.
- (slang) A condom.
Examples of "raincoat" in Sentences
- "No; my pistol was in my raincoat, which is missing."
- Emily and Aria call the raincoat number again from the bathroom.
- - That my raincoat is cooler than all other raincoats put together.
- The only thing visible under the hood of his raincoat was his dripping mustache.
- The more relevant question for this neck of woods is what kind of raincoat do I own.
- The trivial fact that I doubt they make what I want in a raincoat is beside the point.
- Since the raincoat is a local product from Spain, the seeds are Mediterranean herbs, flowers, trees and bushes.
- I don’t think a raincoat is unnecessary my puppy will not go outside with out either a coat or umbrella in the rain she hates it.
- Deemed 'not futuristic enough' at first glance, I was late out of makeup the first day of my shooting; after a redo, I had to high tail it by myself in my enormus raincoat from the trailers to the set.