IPA: rˈeɪzɪn
- A dried grape.
- A surname.
- (intransitive) Of grapes: to dry out; to become like raisins.
Examples of "raisin" in Sentences
- On the menu it is referred to as "raisin et cannelle."
- Sour cream raisin is an old farm recipe in the midwest.
- I had the pork in raisin, prune and apricot sauce and felt it was also quite good.
- You know, there's money in raisin 'horses -- especially the big workhorses that run to eighteen hundred an' two thousand pounds.
- Made with Friday's leftover raisin raisin challah, local eggs and honey purchased at the Ballard Farmers Market (from Washington Bees that took a trip to California to pollinate lime, lemon and orange crops).
- Apparently a raisin is a dried grape (knew that) while a sultana is a seedless raisin (didn't know that - presumably they mean dried seedless grape and not a raisin they've gone to the trouble of taking the seed from) and a currant is a dried seedless grape of a specific variety.