IPA: rˈɑdʒʌ
- A Hindu prince or ruler in India.
- Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Charaxes.
Examples of "rajah" in Sentences
- There he was the guest of a rajah, that is, a sort of king.
- This so-called rajah, Ramchund Rao, died without issue in 1835.
- The king is called rajah and is very powerful, for he comes sometimes against Columbo, where the
- He became "rajah," that is to say "shining," for such was the meaning of the word at the Vedic epoch.
- "We now know what we all along suspected -- the rajah is a rascal, and we have not only found out where his prahus are hidden, but have them corked up in a bottle."
- "The rajah is a regular old pirate, as my father says, and he helps himself to whatever he fancies from everybody round, but there's nothing stingy about him as you'll find."
- The rajah was the only one in European costume, and at the first glance at the man, with his heavy fat sensual-looking face and lurid eyes, Ned recalled his companion's words: "Whatever you see, do not laugh."
- We have an indefinable impression that the rajah is a sensuous, indolent, extravagant sybarite, given to polo, diamonds and dancing girls, and amputates the heads of his subjects at pleasure; but that is very far from the truth.
- As far as he could ascertain, the rajah was the only man possessed of the important secret he wished to obtain, so that should the old chief lose his life Reginald would be deprived of the only clue which might lead to its elucidation.
- On their arrival they were received and brought up amid large wax torches, and the person who was to read them was stationed on a raised platform; standing below him was the rajah, with a saber in his hand; in front of the rajah was his brother, Pangeran Jaffer, with a tremendous kempilan drawn; and around were the other brothers and myself, all standing -- the rest of the company being seated.