IPA: rˈæŋkɝ
- (American spelling) A feeling of long-lasting ire for another, sometimes to the point of hatred, over a perceived wrongdoing; bitterness.
- (rare) Rancidity, rankness.
Examples of "rancor" in Sentences
- All of the rancor is driving a stake deep into hopes of any progress on any of those fronts.
- What’s getting lost in the rancor is that we are Americans (apologies to the non-American posters here).
- I can't help but wonder if this wouldn't have happened if not for all the rancor from the Lamont challenge in 2006.
- One of the prominent examples of success leading to rancor is Jules Olitski, whom the critic Clement Greenberg called "the best painter living" back in the early 1980s.
- But there is a longer term factor, a creepy bipartisanship in an era characterized by partisan rancor, that is conspiring to keep this most important of issues off the campaign trail.
- I don't understand what's happened to people, and knowing full well that this climate of political rancor is nothing new in our young democracy does nothing to assuage the absolute screaming terror that what we see in the now is only a preview of what my kids will face in the future.