IPA: rˈeɪndʒɝ
- One who ranges; a rover.
- A roving robber; one who seeks plunder.
- A keeper, guardian, or soldier who ranges over a region (generally of wilderness) to protect the area or enforce the law.
- (obsolete) That which separates or arranges; a sieve.
- A dog that beats the ground in search of game.
- (military) In some modern armies, an elite soldier, similar to special forces but often operating in larger units.
- (literature, roleplaying games) A warrior character, often with wilderness and stealth skill, who typically travels the countryside.
- (roleplaying games) A character skilled in the use of ranged weapons.
- (sports) A player on any of various teams called Rangers, such as the Texas Rangers (in baseball) or the New York Rangers (in ice hockey).
- A surname.
- (rare, transitive) To work as a ranger.
Examples of "ranger" in Sentences
- Someone must have prank-called the ranger station.
- Now I just have to figure out how my chaotic good tiefling ranger is going to be a decent male and I’m all right.
- Within the 4e structure, which I’m starting to understand now, I have to say ranger is a good class and paladin is a bad class.
- "When a man hires out to be a ranger," Ross went on, "he don't expect to be a carpenter, or a stone mason; he expects to be a _ranger_!"
- Them one day I was reading a book about long range recon ranger from the 101st airmobile division and specifically the Lima company rangers.
- � GRANT: We're in another suburb now, where a local park ranger is asking the newspaper delivery man about the dominant male in the neighborhood.
- Byler's patrol was walking slowly, carefully, in what is called "ranger style," with each man following in the footsteps of the man in front of him.
- Phyllis breaks a glass when she calls the ranger station and is told that they saw a car heading up there a little while ago but no one has come back down from there yet.
- Within this publication, the term ranger force describes any size force consisting mainly of members of the ranger regiment and led by a member of the ranger regiment's chain of command.
- For example, the ranger is automatically trained in Dungeoneering or Nature (your choice), and then can choose four others at first level from their class skills list – acrobatics, athletics, dungeoneering, endurance, heal, nature, perception, and stealth.