IPA: rˈæŋkɪŋ
- One’s relative placement in a list.
- (in combination) Having a specified rank.
- Superior in rank.
- Prominent or outstanding.
Examples of "ranking" in Sentences
- Assuming the ranking from the link is still valid.
- "As far as the world ranking is concerned, yes, I'm not ranked No 1 in the world," Woods said.
- The 37th place ranking is often cited in today's overhaul debate, even though, in some ways, the U.S. actually ranked a lot higher.
- I think here his ranking is also due to what was accomplished domestically on his watch, which was impressive, whether or not it really happened because of him.
- + importance of links in ranking is declining -- New sources of data and new features that Yahoo! has built and developed have made our ranking algorithm better.
- Shadows of Ecstasy was among the top three and The Greater Trumps among the bottom four, but the difference in ranking is so subtle I am not sure I myself can always detect it.
- If your ranking is low and – Heaven forbid – someone with the same name (and a less stellar reputation) is ranked above you, you can adjust your ranking by blogging or twittering for yourself and others.
- "We feel as the No. 1 other teams are going to come after us, but no matter what our ranking is we were the Pac-10 champions last year so they'll still come after us," Oregon linebacker Casey Matthews said.