
IPA: rˈæntɝ


  • One who rants; a noisy, boisterous speaker or declaimer.
  • (obsolete) A jovial fellow.
  • (religion, historical) A member of an alleged sect in the time of the English Commonwealth (1649–1660) who were regarded as heretical by the established church.
  • (religion, historical, derogatory) One of the Primitive Methodists, who seceded from the Wesleyan Methodists on the ground of their deficiency in fervour and zeal.

Examples of "ranter" in Sentences

  • To describe Melanie as a "ranter" rather does her an injustice.
  • Then there is the second best GOP ranter running a close second.
  • A teacher, former councillor, ranter and Norwich City season ticket holder.
  • But it's so much worse when the ranter is the president of the United States.
  • Milloy should be better known as the ranter that doubly ruined Robinson's claim that today's leftists never incite.
  • Indiana 13-term ranter Dan Burton kept calling McNamee a liar while expressing clear support for ... the "titan of baseball."
  • I use it just as the most cynical anti-Twitter ranter imagines: to see who's eating toast or who's got a cold, and to feel part of a community.
  • IG - I fear that the future of your blog is not helped by bloggers such as ranter who turn to personal remarks when someone offers an alternative view.
  • The "sanity" for which Stewart claims to long is the authority of the old mainstream media -- their ability to set the boundaries of newsworthiness and respectable debate, claiming to be above politics while actually skewing leftward -- though not so far or so intensely leftward as, say, MSNBC ranter Keith Olbermann.

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