IPA: rˈæptʃɝ
- Extreme pleasure, happiness or excitement.
- In some forms of fundamentalist Protestant eschatology, the event when Jesus returns and gathers the souls of living and deceased believers. (Usually "the rapture".)
- (obsolete) The act of kidnapping or abducting, especially the forceful carrying off of a woman.
- (obsolete) Rape; ravishment; sexual violation.
- (obsolete) The act of carrying, conveying, transporting or sweeping along by force of movement; the force of such movement; the fact of being carried along by such movement.
- A spasm; a fit; a syncope; delirium.
- (Christianity) a prophesied sudden removal of Christian believers from the Earth before the Tribulation or simultaneous with the second coming of Jesus Christ
- (dated, transitive) To cause to experience great happiness or excitement.
- (dated, intransitive) To experience great happiness or excitement.
- (transitive) To take (someone) off the Earth and bring (them) to Heaven as part of the Rapture.
- (rare, intransitive) To take part in the Rapture; to leave Earth and go to Heaven as part of the Rapture.
- (uncommon) To state (something, transitive) or talk (intransitive) rapturously.
Examples of "rapture" in Sentences
- (The English word rapture comes from the Latin verb meaning caught up.)
- This idiot believes that the rapture is an immediate event and that he is the answer.
- My clergy spouse and I found ourselves defining the word "rapture" at an interfaith table.
- Critics of the rapture doctrine are quick to point out that the word rapture does not appear in the Bible.
- D15AV0W3D: @rapture, what was the map called? rapture: Was probably the most creative map I've ever seen in a Halo game.
- Read your bible, notice the rapture is a bunch of made-up bullshit with no mention of it in the scripture, grow up and renounce fundamentalism.
- LAHAYE: Well, first of all, the reason rapture doesn't occur is because rapture comes from a Latin word in the fourth century, Jerome when he translated it.
- The word rapture is the Latin version of a phrase the Bible uses to describe the catching away of all Christians, both dead and alive, on the earth at the appointed time.