
IPA: rˈæspɪŋɫi


  • In a rasping way.

Examples of "raspingly" in Sentences

  • Sergei growls raspingly; pressing his expanded chest against the pole.
  • He cleared his throat raspingly, clawed at his whiskers and smiled his nervous timid smile.
  • As it was, she extricated herself from her mingled impulse to deny and question, and said, almost raspingly:
  • It was a dirty neglected place, with a sullen unwashed man at the door, who called raspingly to his wife within.
  • Front man James Hetfield is sober these days and has a ridiculous beard, but is otherwise as angry and raspingly incomprehensible as ever.
  • The outstanding performances come from David Yelland as the King – general-like, raspingly crisp and terminally disappointed – and Desmond Barrit as Falstaff.
  • On the white steps an obscene word, scrawled by some boy with a piece of brick, stood out clearly in the moonlight, and I erased it, drawing my shoe raspingly along the stone.
  • If I could script one scene for Celebrity Rehab, it would feature a scarecrow-haired addict falling to her knees in the white hallway of the Pasadena Recovery Center and crying out — raspingly, chthonically, her voice not her own — Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Dr. Drew?

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