
IPA: rˈætʌfaɪɝ


  • One who ratifies.
  • One who is in favor of ratification.

Examples of "ratifier" in Sentences

  • No drafter or ratifier would have included computer coding in a list of useful arts.
  • Also, a leading ratifier, adopting the Constitution and captain in the continental army during the revolution.
  • So, I guess we have key lawgivers like Madison and minor law givers like Supreme Court Cheif Justice and Constitution ratifier John Marshall.
  • Mr. Jefferson's opinion goes further than the text of the Establishment Clause and he was neither a drafter or a ratifier of the Constitution.
  • You could have taken every single member of the Constitutional Convention, every single state rep who voted to ratify, every single drafter and ratifier of the 14th amendment, all of them.
  • Les destinées de la Providence nous ayant fait prendre en possession le Grand Duché de Finlande, Nous avons voulu, par l'acte présent, confirmer et ratifier la Religion et les Lois fondamentales du Pays, ainsi que les privilèges et droits, dont chaque classe dans le dit
  • And why should such broad, self-evidently adaptable phrases be interpreted solely according to what any ratifier thought, particularly when it appears that: (a) at least some chose those phrases precisely to accommodate changes they could not foresee and (b) many rejected the notion, necessarily embraced by originalists, that legal texts like the Constitution ought to be interpreted by reference to extrinsic historical materials?

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